In March of 2017, a bus called the "Free Speech" bus started a tour of the Northeast, starting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The primary assertion of the diagrams and words on the sides of this bus is that Boys are Boys and Girls are Girls - and that Transgender people are simply unnatural abominations that should be forced to conform to their birth gender.
What IS Real is that there are 3 million transgender people in the United States, that's 1% of the population. About half are "Living in Stealth", and have not yet sought medical intervention such as Hormone Therapy and Gender Confirmation Surgery. 45% have actually attempted suicide at least once before their 20th birthday. The suicide attempt rate among those who are persecuted and don't have the support of family and friends is over 80%. According to suicide hotlines that track callers, 35% of those who actually implement a suicide attempt thinking it will kill them, eventually kill themselves. That means that the suicide attempt rate is over 60% overall and almost 90% when you count those already dead and unable to respond to surveys.
A great deal of research has been done in terms of the biology of transgender people as well. Transgender women (MtF) usually have a smaller hypothalamus, they have lower testosterone levels, and many were born with gender ambiguity.
There are over 100 forms of gender ambiguity, ranging from XXY chromosomes to Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome to medications taken to prevent miscarriages, to other medications taken to high stress levels during early pregnancy. They can manifest in different brain structure, different skeletal structure, deformities in genitalia (repaired shortly after birth), undescended testes, ova-testes (ovary/teste in single organ).
Transgender girls also tend to be more feminine in behavior, rarely pushing or fighting, rarely rough-housing, little interest in contact sports, and more refined fine motor skills. As toddlers, they may gravitate to baby dolls, or treat stuffed animals like babies, they will sing to them, feed them, tell them stories. They will make up stories, they like to sing more, and they can sit quietly for longer than "typical boys".
Again, this goes back to biological differences in brain, kidney function, and other biological factors.
Transgender girls who are forced to play with boys are more likely to be violently assaulted, because of their lack of "fight or flight" instinct. They are more likely to try and hide from threats, much as a female mammal would. Often, transgender girls are called Omega Males - the "runt of the litter" because of their lack of aggression. Conversely, transgender boys are often called Alpha Females, or tom-boys, because they are too aggressive and too rough and rejected by the other girls. Often, they are rejected by the boys as well, because boys don't like to lose to a girl.
On the other hand, transgender children are usually extremely intelligent. They tend to question things that most people take for granted. They see the word from both their male and female viewpoints. They challenge assumptions. Because they are often isolated from their peers, they tend to read more, they tend to have a variety of interests, and they are aware of deception. They know how to be deceptive because they have to hide their true nature, and they can see the deceptions of others. They also have to learn to conform to their birth gender sufficiently to survive early child-hood. This is almost like being an undercover cop or a spy. Any slip can give them away as "Sissies" or "Tom-boys" and expose them to more persecution and isolation. Those who transition have to be equally good at not revealing their birth gender. Transgender children become masters of "Living in Stealth".
Transgender people have existed since the dawn of civilization. Hindu texts from 10,000 years ago speak of the creator god as having many faces, including those of women.
Since the domestication of livestock, it has been common to castrate male animals, and transgender girls have often sought to be castrated before puberty. GRS is just a more sophisticated form of castration. Eunuchs are mentioned throughout many ancient texts, including the Bible, both old and new testament. In many of these texts, the Eunuchs were considered exceptionally wise. Many cultures have revered Eunuchs to have special insights, to be wise men, prophets, oracles, seers, and shamen. It's possible that many of the prophets who served Kings, such as Daniel, Shadrack, Meshack, and Abednego - were all Eunuchs.
Hormone therapy has been around almost as long as castration. Pregnant animal urine has very high doses of natural estrogen. Even today, a medication made from pregnant mare urine - Premarin, is used to help menopausal women. Eunuchs often drank this to enable them to grow breasts. Eunuchs lived and served in harems as servants or concubines. In the old testament, Eunuchs couldn't be wives or priests.
The Hollywood image of Eunuchs as big strong beefy guards with huge muscles - is simply contrary to biology.